The company that produced the ProtecTV has gone out of business.  (This website has been produced as a service to ProtecTV owners.)

Filter Comparison Chart

Frequently Asked Questions



See a complete line of Parental Control Tools from Family Safe Media

ProtecTV Support

Here are the installation diagrams for the Protect TV.  You will need Adobe Acrobat to be able to view these diagrams.  You can download it free from Adobe.

  1. Connection to a Cable Box
  2. Connection to a VCR
  3. Connection to a DVD Player
  4. Connection to a Satellite Receiver
  5. Connection to a Cable Box and a VCR
  6. Connection to a VCR and DVD Player
  7. Connection to a Cable Box, VCR and DVD Player
  8. Connection to a Satellite Receiver, VCR and DVD Player
  9. Connection to a Satellite Receiver and a VCR
  10. ** ProtectTV is out of business. ** For more support use the following contact information:  866-887-7683

You should switch to the TVGuardian.




© 2017 Nextphase, Inc.

Also See

TV Allowance
The TV Guardian